Updates, Reviews, and Previews

At long last, it’s finally happening. Just finalized the page lineup for the print hardcover version of Mumbai Confidential vol 1 “Good Cop, Bad Cop”, 144 pages chock-a-full of hardboiled goodness πŸ™‚ We’ll be doing a final round of edits and sending that over to the printers in a week or so. Remember, the print version from Archaia hits the stands in Feb/March 2013. Meanwhile you can buy the “Digital First” editions at ComiXology store for iOS, Android and Web.

Fanboy Confidential posted a review of MC issues #1 and #2. They had good things to say about the book, and particularly for Vivek’s spectacular art. You can read the reviews here:

We had an awesome session at Mumbai Comic-con and many thanks to all those who attended. The photos of the session can be viewed on our facebook page. While you’re there, we’d love to get a “facebook like” from you. πŸ™‚

And, last but not the least, just for kicks we created some posters for some fake “in-universe” movies featured in the book. I can’t give away the details (you’ll have to buy and read the book for that), but part of the story deals with an over-the-hill Bollywood actor who stars in movies with titles like “Gunda Coolie”,”Looteron ki Raftar”, “Inspector Hathoda”, “Bhaktiman”, “Bhaktiman Returns” and of course, the one you see below, “GUNDA DAROGA”. πŸ™‚ So I took some of Vivek’s interior art and tried to come up with a poster for it. Hope you like it. Writing these scenes was kind of a nice change of pace from the hardboiled gritty/grim main story of the book.

Till next time…


Mumbai Confidential is a crime-noir comic book created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde. It’s now available digitally at ComiXology and the print hardcover edition from Archaia will be available in March 2013.

Facebook: http://facebook.com/mumbaiconfidential
Twitter: @mumbaiconfid

Mumbai Comic-con Trailer for Mumbai Confidential

Vivek and I, along with Saumin Patel and Vinay Brahmania did a session for the Mumbai Film and Comics Convention yesterday (with the artists on stage, yours truly dialing in via Google+).

We had some connectivity issues during the session and Devaki couldn’t join in. I also got disconnected a few times. Overall, we spoke about the history and vision of MC as a project and it was a good discussion.

Thanks to the Comic-con India team for hosting us, and thanks to all of our fans who attended.

Mumbai Confidential is a crime-noir comic book created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde. It’s now available digitally at ComiXology and the print hardcover edition from Archaia will be available in March 2013.

Facebook: http://facebook.com/mumbaiconfidential
Twitter: @mumbaiconfid

Conventions! Conventions! Conventions!

Mumbai Confidential team will be there at two conventions in the next two weeks. First off I’ll be signing at New York Comic-con from Oct 11-14 and then the MC team is scheduled to make a special appearance in an interactive Q/A session about comics in general and the making of MC at Mumbai Film and Comics Convention in Mumbai on Oct 21st.

Mumbai Confidential signing schedule at NYCC 2012

ARCHAIA Booth #1520

  • Thurs, 10/11 7-8pm, Table 3
  • Fri, 10/12 5-6pm, Table 3
  • Sat, 10/13 12:30-1:30pm, Table 2

Here’s the free giveaway postcard/mini-litho I’ll be signing. So drop by and say hi.

Here’s the details for the Mumbai convention session

Vivek and I will be doing a session about Mumbai Confidential at Mumbai Film & Comics Convention on Oct 21st.

Plus, we might have some surprise guests πŸ˜€ from the extended Mumbai Confidential family!

We’re not big on formality, so mostly we’ll be shooting the breeze about comics and breaking into comics. We hope to have mostly a free form Q/A with the audience. Vivek and the other artists will be there in person and I shall be “live via satellite” πŸ˜€

Customary shameless Plug: Mumbai Confidential issue #4 is now online at http://bit.ly/mcdigital4

and print hardcover is due from Archaia Entertainment in March 2013.

Mumbai Confidential interview with Mid-day

Vivek and I were interviewed by Fiona Fernandez from the Mumbai based newspaper Mid-day. The interview is now out as part of the Sept 29, 2012 edition of Mid-day.

Click the image for a hires version.

Mid-day E-Paper Link : (Image-version) (Text-version)

Also, just a reminder that issue #4 of Mumbai Confidential will be online at ComiXology first week of October. You can buy issue #1-#3 from ComiXology for your iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire and Web reading pleasure at http://bit.ly/mcfull.

The print hardcover edition will release in March 2013 from ARCHAIA.

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Archaia Noir Sale on ComiXology! Get issues #1 and #2 for 99 cents each!

Starting today and lasting until the end of the day on Thursday, September 13th, Archaia and ComiXology are offering select Noir titles for up to 66% off. (for your iPad, iPhone, Android and Web reading pleasure) πŸ˜€

Issue #3 is now available at ComiXology : http://bit.ly/mcdigital3

Official Sale post on Archaia blog
ComiXology Archaia Noir Sale collection

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Reviews and updates

So the reviews for Mumbai Confidential are trickling in.

and, before we leave… a sneak peak at the cover of Mumbai Confidential #5 (inspired by the hand painted retro film posters of Bollywood of yesteryear) πŸ™‚

Do check us out on Facebook and Twitter for the latest and greatest on the news front, and sneak peeks, previews and concept art galore. πŸ™‚

Mumbai confidential “Digital First” editions are now available for purchase at ComiXology for iOS, Android and Web. Mumbai Confidential #3 will be online and available for purchase first week of September.

The print hardcover edition is scheduled for MARCH 2013 from Archaia

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Mumbai Confidential #1 and #2 on Sale (Limited Time) at ComiXology

Just a quick note to say that Mumbai Confidential issues #1 and #2 are on *SALE* at ComiXology at $1.99 each (reduced from regular price of $2.99) till Aug 27 (Eastern).

Mumbai Confidential Issues on Sale as part of Archaia Digital First Sale on ComiXology:

Go, Buy, Enjoy!!!!!

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Some more preview art and other updates

Before we start off… the mandatory spiel πŸ™‚

Mumbai Confidential “digital first” edition is now available from ComiXology for purchase on iPhone/iPad, Android, Kindle Fire and the web. Print hardcover from Archaia will hit the bookshelves in MARCH 2013.

The launch at SDCC was awesome. Thanks to our wonderful publishers Archaia, I had a great time. We’re down to the home stretch now and Vivek is winding up the last 40 odd pages art on the book. Here are some awesome sneak peaks at his art from upcoming issues.

Vivek’s art really breathes life into the world of Mumbai Confidential.

aha, before I forget…

here’s Samit Basu on Mumbai Confidential :

Watch out for this book. If you turn your back on it, it might stab you.

Thanks, Samit. We love you too. πŸ™‚

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Mumbai Confidential Issue #1 now available on ComiXology

You can now purchase Issue #1 of Mumbai Confidential at ComiXology for your iOS, Android devices and of course via a web browser. We’ll drop 9 digital issues and the print hardcover will come in March 2013 from ARCHAIA.

ComiXology Mumbai Confidential Listing: http://www.comixology.com/Mumbai-Confidential-1/digital-comic/ICO003726

The digital edition has exclusive content not included in the print edition like side-quels (Animatrix style shorts), Illustrated prose stories and some kickass editorials by some of leading luminaries of both US and international comic book industry. You can read a free preview at the Archaia site.

Here are some blurbs for Mumbai Confidential:

“Gorgeously noir” — Ron Marz (Witchblade, Artifacts, Shinku, Green Lantern)

“Gritty art and powerful writing” — David Lloyd (V For Vendetta, Kickback)

“The original ‘bad boys’ of Mumbai” — Hindustan Times

“The real stuff” — The Times of India

So head on over to ComiXology and then say hi to us on Facebook or Twitter.

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series (about the infamous encounter cops of Mumbai) created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Close Encounters

So, the Archaia page for Mumbai Confidential is up. So are creator pages for both Vivek and yours truly. As you can see on the page for MC at Archaia site, digital run starts July 2011 and the final print collection is scheduled for March 2013. So load up on the Chai Cutting and Vada Paav, the Mumbai invasion has begun πŸ™‚

Do check out the MC Facebook page and Twitter feed. We’d love to hear back from you.

And, since we’ve made it this far, here’s a brief (in no particular order and by no means a complete) list of people (apart from the editorial team at our awesome publisher Archaia) we’d like to say thanks to (without whose support MC would’ve never happened):

  • Preeti Padhy
  • Aditi Kelkar-Shinde
  • Sid Kotian
  • Saumin Patel
  • Vinay Brahmania
  • Ron Marz
  • Mark Smylie
  • Samit Basu
  • Pradipta Sarkar
  • Mukesh Singh
  • Devaki Neogi-Kiran
  • Shounak Jog

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]